Countdown to On-The-Road-Again

Kyle and Jenni were here last weekend and it turned out to be a rather hectic visit because they found out that they had to move their wedding date. Jenni's brother, Josh, is going to be deployed to Afghanistan the last week of October so there is no way he would be at a November wedding. Her brother, JP, is currently in Afghanistan, but will be home by mid-summer. Amazingly, they got in to gear and by Monday they had everything switched to an October 9th wedding date. There is a new reception hall, hotel, caterer, etc., but I think it will all be at least as nice, if not nicer with the new arrangments. There's also a greater likelihood of nice weather. Jenni has updated the info on the wedding which can be accessed from the link on our left sidebar.
Jenni did convince Kyle to start going through pictures to find some that the can use for slideshow at the wedding.
I think they were both a bit overwhelmed seeing we had 4 of these blue tubs full of family photos. After one box, Jenni was pretty sure they already had more than enough pictures! We have few if any videos but we sure have plenty of photos.
The signs of spring were all around. Including the huge flocks of birds that made stops in the trees in our backyard on their way north.

Oh, and thanks to those who continue to check in on Kyle and I on our weight loss challenge. As of last weekend, Kyle has lost 30 lbs so far and I have lost 17 lbs. It's really a dead heat between us right now and with the wedding date moving 4 weeks closer we are now pushed to get to goal even faster. 9 weeks down, 30 weeks to go.
Ken has completed the ceramic tile in the master bath shower, floor and two adjoining closets. There's still lots to be done but we need to start switching gears and prep for our roadtrip. I've inherited his carpenter knee pads since I'm spending a lot of time now scrubbing down the tile to clean away and remnants of the grout and film it leaves.
As we begin to switch gears to planning for our lengthy roadtrip, one thing has panned out better than I'd anticipated. It looks like our 'sticks n bricks' home will be more busy while we are on the road than when we've been home. Trevor dropped some unneeded classes in order to focus on his CPA and so only needs to be in Charleston now one night a week. That means he'll be housesitting and studying here while we are gone. In addition, Ken has his good friend, Bo, who is excellent at remodeling and, in particular, woodworking, coming in during these weeks to keep things moving on the upstairs remodeling. If that's not enough, Ken also has a nephew coming by to do some outside painting. I'm glad this is working out because I was concerned about leaving the house for 8 weeks.
Tonight Ken and I venture out to the local Anglican Church for their Fish Fry. This will be our second time attending. No, we aren't Anglican, although I have already learned I should not say we are Catholic since Anglicans also consider themselves Catholic. We are Roman Catholic by birth with ties to Unity Church as well. However, my very good friend, Cheryl, whose mother was a war bride from England, is Anglican and invites us. Its the first time I've gone to BYOB church fish fries!! Actually, I was kind of surprised we were invited back since last time I ended up in a lengthy 'discussion' with the Bishop on the origins of the Synoptic Gospels. I seem to be wired much more for seeking, curiosity and skepticism than for traditional faith but apparently he enjoyed the interchange and suggested Cheryl invite us again. I think this time I'll try to stick a bit more to enjoying the meal and less to arguing religion with a bishop!!
Time to be off for our evening.
Leaving your home is always a concern. Glad you worked that out:) We left ours for 8 months a year ago. Fortunatly we had someone come in to check on things, run the water, flush toilets, etc, etc, while we were gone:) Everything was fine when we got back home. But - we don't want to do that again, so are trying to sell the farm. We definitly are ready for full-time!
Yes, Jan,
Having several people in and out of the house regularly and Trev here most nights makes me feel a lot better. Not too many people going to want to mess with our big guy!! We are lucky this time that the timing worked out with his schedule and ours.
Like you and Wes, Ken and I may decide to sell after this or a few more extended trips, but, again like you, we are lucky to have the opportunity to ease in to that decision after some experimenting.
Hugs, C
My word, you have had a busy few days. You must be exhausted. Searching through all of those photos is a big job, but it will be nice to have the slideshow.
Good idea to have someone in your home while you are out searching the country for adventure. Peace of mind is NOT overrated.
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